Great dane clubs

This page contains web sites addresses of official breed clubs especially for great dane.


The european federation of the great dane clubs was founded in 1979 in Germany. It unites at present 16 great dane clubs : Austria, Belgium, czech republic, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Litunia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovaquia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Its objective is to favour opinions exchange of Dane fanciers, with as sole objective the betterment of the great dane breed. There can only be spoken of recommendations which don't call the sovereignity of members in question. Every member is free to decide for themselves.

official logo of the E.D.D.C.Féderation Europäischer Deutscher Doggen Clubs

Great dane clubs by countries

So here are the web sites addresses of great dane clubs. For more utility and clarity, they are filed by countries.

CountryWeb site
BelgiumClub Belge du Dogue Allemand
CanadaThe Great Dane Club of Canada
CroatiaHrvatski Klub Njemackih Doga
Czech RepublicKlub Chovatelu Nemeckých Dog
DenmarkGrand Danois Klubben
FinlandSuomen Tanskandoggi Ry
FranceDoggen Club de France, le club français du dogue allemand
GermanyDeutscher Doggen Club 1888 e.V.
GermanyKynologische Gesellschaft für Deutsche Doggen e.V.
HungaryDanubius Dog Club
ItalySocietà Italiana Alani
LituaniaLietuvos Dogø Savininkø Klubas
LuxembourgLëtzebuerger Däitschen Doggen Club
NetherlandsNederlandse Duitse Doggen Club
NorwayNorsk Grand Danois Klubb
PolandKlub Doga Niemieckiego
PortugalDogue Alemão Clube de Portugal
SloveniaSlovenski Klub za Nemske Doge
South AfricaSouth African Great Dane Association
Spain Club Español del Dogo Alemán
SwedenSvenska Grand Danois Klubben
SwitzerlandSchweizerischer Club für Deutsche Doggen
United KingdomThe Great Danes Club Est. 1883
United StatesGreat Dane Club of America Est. 1889
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